1. Referring to or meaning anything and everything except "no". 2. What to say when at a loss for words. 3.a. Good copy. b. Roger. c. Solid copy. d. Good. e. Great. f. Message received. g. Understood. h. Acknowledged. 4.a. Glad to meet you. b. Welcome. 5. "All right!" 6.a. I don't know the answer, but I'll check on it. b. I haven't the foggiest idea. 7. I am not listening. 8. "That is enough of your drivel; sit down!" 9. Yes. 10. "You've got to be kidding me!" 11. Thank you. 12. Go to the next slide. 13. You've taken the correct action. 14. I don't know what that means, but I'm too embarassed to ask for clarification. 15. Squared away (He's pretty hooah.) 16. Amen!
The LT got a "new job" yesterday. Today was his first full day of work. He is working at the Airborne Headquarters. It's a pretty cool gig. I'm secretly hoping he can finagle a way for me to get to jump out of an airplane...
The DQ turns 12(!) this year and will be going into Young Women's in church.
They are having a dinner for all of the incoming girls and had planned it for Leap Day (but scheduling conflicts required they change it to a few weeks later) so the theme is "Leap Into Personal Progress" so they wanted pictures of the girls leaping.
Now Bean is obsessed with creating the perfect princess room.
She got out her tracing station and traced all of the princesses so we could hang them in her room. She also had a very un-Bean-like meltdown when I told her I would not give her the DQ's canopy bed so that she could have a princess bed with curtains.
I am still trying to go through the last of the boxes of things that were thrown into the spare room. Several of boxes had not been opened throughout several moves. I am determined not to lug this junk to another house.
Today, we found these phones tucked away. Amazing to see how much technology has evolved. The Star-Tac on the left was retired from the LT's usage in 2002.
We recieved a vistor in the mail the other day. His name is Flat Stanley and he came to stay with us and check out Fort Benning!
We "took" him around with us and took some pictures. He learned what life is like on an army post and what things are like in Georgia. Then he wrote a letter back to the class he came from and today, I mailed him back to Arizona.
It was a fun activity to do with the girls and now I am even reading the book Flat Stanley to Bean!
(Please pardon the camera phone photo... they didn't allow cameras or recorders in. Yet they let phones in though...)
As part of my mom's birthday gift, I took her to see the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
They were invited by the governor to help celebrate Arizona's 100th birthday.
It was quite an experience.
Hands down my favorite moment though, was when the guest conductor was introduced and Sandra Day O'Connor came on stage to lead the choir in "God Bless America."
The DQ has a book project due this week and she needed some help. The story is about a girl who looses her leg in a car accident. In her diorama, she wanted to show the before and after for the main character. Today I cut off the leg of the doll and then hand sewed velcro on so that her leg would detach.
I felt like a real surgeon!
(ok, maybe not, but that's as close as I'll ever get!)
I have several projects I've been meaning to get finished for oh, about 2 months now, but just haven't gotten them done. While I was in AZ, I purchased an embroidery foot for my machine thinking it would make some free-sewing easier. I spent over an hour trying to figure out how to lower the feed dogs before I finally figured out that you can't do it on this machine. Awesome.
Oh, and that was an hour spent messing with the machine, not actually sewing...
The LT has had some stuff at work in the works for a few months now. Nothing we can really talk about, but something we've been hoping/praying for fervently.
Things are progressing quite well, but nothing is a done deal yet.
Today, he was told he had to sign some paperwork relating to this big Hope.
His Major then informed him that he would not process any of his paperwork unless he got more cookies.
We scored some free tickets to the play Ramona Quimby tonight.
The DQ brought a friend along. We had a great dinner at Houlihan's before, and then ran into a few friends from church at the theater so we all went out for ice cream afterwards!