
hooah (hoo ah) adj., adv., n., v., conj., interj., excla. (Orig. unknown) Slang. H-U-A (heard understood acknowledged)

1. Referring to or meaning anything and everything except "no". 2. What to say when at a loss for words. 3.a. Good copy. b. Roger. c. Solid copy. d. Good. e. Great. f. Message received. g. Understood. h. Acknowledged. 4.a. Glad to meet you. b. Welcome. 5. "All right!" 6.a. I don't know the answer, but I'll check on it. b. I haven't the foggiest idea. 7. I am not listening. 8. "That is enough of your drivel; sit down!" 9. Yes. 10. "You've got to be kidding me!" 11. Thank you. 12. Go to the next slide. 13. You've taken the correct action. 14. I don't know what that means, but I'm too embarassed to ask for clarification. 15. Squared away (He's pretty hooah.) 16. Amen!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

152 Pool Fun!

We finally made it to the pool today!
Bean had so much fun.
I am so glad it is fun, close, and free!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

150 How Is This Happening Already??

Today the DQ left for girls' camp.
I really can't believe it.
Even though she is not quite 12, they are letting her go. (she turns 12 a week after they get back)
I was super nervous because of her back, but she was really excited.
All of the adults know what she can and can't do, and I even told the girls there to watch out for her and not to let her do anything too physical. I think that really embarrassed her, but I don't care.
She will be incommunicado until Friday when she gets home. I've never gone that long without talking to her!

Monday, May 28, 2012

149 Thank You

Happy Memorial Day from the Maneuver Center of Excellence in Fort Benning Georgia.
To all veterans and active duty, thank you for your service and sacrifices.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

148 Dog-sitting

We had a guest today!
Our neighbors' air conditioner broke today.
Of course they have company over.
Instead of sweating it out, waiting for maintenance, they went out to dinner. Because the maintenance guy won't come in with a loose dog in the house, and it was hot in there, they asked us to watch Star while they were gone.
The poor girl was confused about why she couldn't go home, and spent some time staring out the window at her house.
Luckily she likes us, and Lola, so she was content to hang around until they got home.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

147 Memorial

We did what your typical family does over Memorial Day weekend: visited a cemetery.
Ok, I realize a lot of families do this.
We needed to get out of Columbus, so we made the long haul up to Atlanta and checked out historic Oakland Cemetery.
The cemetery opened in 1850 and is the oldest one in Atlanta.
Many notable Georgia residents have been interred there, including former politicians, Bobby Jones, and Margaret Mitchell.  
There were many confederate soldiers as well. We all enjoyed looking at the monuments and the wild names that people used to have (Guliford?) Also, we learned that Ida and Fanny were super popular in the late 1800's/early 1900's.
Even though the soldiers here fought for the Confederacy, it was still heartbreaking to see how young they were. These boys were sons, fathers, husbands. Many of them had no idea what they were fighting for and had little choice but to fight.
I am thankful for our ability now to choose what we want to stand for. These graves were a sad reminder of that cost.

Friday, May 25, 2012

146 Service

the weird black line is the reflection of the steering wheel - I promise I was stopped when I took this picture
Today I was able to deliver some food to a family in need.
I had to drive out to Cusseta, and then keeeeeep driving. The house was about 20 miles from ours, deep in the backwoods of Georgia.
The woman gave me her address and told me that if I plugged it into the GPS, I should find it easily.
Well, the map told me right where to go, just not that I would need a four wheel drive to get there. Their abode was about a half mile down one of the worst roads I've ever driven on.
It was a good reminder to me how blessed we are in so many ways.
And it made me realize that I take asphalt for granted.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

145 Last Day

Today was the last day of school, and what a busy one it was.
After attending an Airborne graduation, I was able to go to the DQ's sixth grade awards assembly. She recieved awards for having the third highest average in her social studies class, and the highest in her math class! And instead of just a certificate, they got medals! A bronze and a gold!
She also was recognized for being on the A/B Honor Roll all four quarters! (And it would have been the all A Honor Roll except for a pesky B+ in science first quarter.)
Needless to say, we were very impressed.
Bean had a great last day too. She brought home her report card in which her teacher remarked, "Watching her succeed as a reader, writer, and problem solver this year has been a pure pleasure. She excels in all areas and is such an ardent student."
The LT and I are so proud of our sweet girls. They truly are amazing.
We are so blessed.
Tonight we celebrated at dinner, the DQ's choice.
I think Zoë's Kitchen was a delicious choice!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

144 Auf Wiedersehen

It's time to say goodbye to another great family we have come to know. They are going back to Germany on Monday. We had them over for a backyard grill dinner and it was great fun getting to chat with them. The DQ will sure miss her buddy, but now we have a great reason to visit Germany!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

143 Then Again, Maybe Not

Sometimes, I wish I had a son.
But then sometimes I get reminded,
that I already have one.

Monday, May 21, 2012

142 Lost!

Bean is missing something!
Her first wiggley tooth has been hanging in there for a few weeks and for her, she thought it would never come out. I promised her that eventually, it had to.
She really wanted to loose it at school because then she would get a tooth necklace from the nurse and she would get to write her name on the tooth chart. When I picked her up today, it was still hanging on for dear life.
Tonight at dinner she was very chatty and in between bites I noticed a hole in her mouth.
I thought she might have swallowed it and she was really worried that she had too. Then I picked up the piece of bread she was eating, and there it was, smushed deep into it.
She immediately ran to her bed and placed it under her pillow in hopes of treasures left by the tooth fairy.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

141 New Obsession

The winds of change are blowing.
Did you know there is a "My Little Pony" tv show?
We found it on Netflix the other day and that is all Bean has wanted to watch.
Today she got out the ponies and played with them while watching.
Her collection contains several that were mine.
Good thing grandma held on to them!
(It's weird how less pony-like they look now. Can you tell which ones were mine?)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Friday, May 18, 2012

139 Getting Back on the Bicycle

The DQ went for a bike ride today. She met up with a friend and they rode around the neighborhood.
No big deal right?
Well to her it was exciting because it's the most physical exercise she's gotten in a long time.
She was very excited.
The Dr. gave her the all clear to rider her bike when she saw him last week.
His two guidelines?
Don't fall off, and don't get hit by a car.
Good tips for any cyclist.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

138 I'm Either Really Nice, or Really Crazy

Today I had a houseful! I had committed to watching children from two families without realizing it would be on the same day!
Not to worry, we have a big backyard, and a lot of kid toys.
There were six kids to feed and keep happy. I love helping and playing with friends' kids, but I am really thankful I don't have six of my own!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

137 Fireflies!

The one thing I've been dying to see since we moved out here is fireflies. I was pretty disappointed when we got here at the end of last summer and didn't see any. There were certainly plenty of cicadas to go around though (and keep me up all night).
Tonight the DQ went to her first YW activity for the upcoming Girls' Camp. (She had a blast) As we were leaving, I happened to see something tiny flash out of the corner of my eye.
A firefly!!
So like a crazy woman, I drove to the back of the church parking lot and sat there trying to capture one.
And capture one I did!
Just one.
When we got home, I braved the biting flies and spiders and stood in the backyard for about 20 minutes trying to find more. I did spot a few, but I think they spotted me too because by the time I got the settings right on the camera, they stopped flashing.
Oh well. I was glad I got at least one.
Now I have a new nightly obsession.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

136 The Army Life

I felt like I had a real "Army Wife" night tonight. Ha ha, well, I have a lot of those days, but the reality of this army life was clear tonight. I went out to dinner with two great friends that I've gotten to know well over the past few months. We have served together in our church callings, and are all married to soldiers, so we have formed a special bond. As is the way with the army, one friend is moving on. Her husband got orders for Hawaii (wah wah) and they will be leaving here Sunday. Things have been so busy and crazy that there hasn't been a lot of time to be sad and think about what it will be like here without that sweet family that has been so much a part of ours.
I have been kinda depressed the past few weeks because a lot of good friends are leaving in the next few weeks. I knew when we choose this lifestyle, we would have to say a lot of goodbyes and move on. It never once dawned on me that friends would be moving on and leaving us! I have been ok so far with us not having any sort of end date on being here. I am trying to be patient and enjoy our time here at Benning, but now that everyone is moving on, I'm kinda like "what about us? You can't leave us!" But as families move out, new ones move in and already, I have been busy helping out some of the new families. Today I took a couple, who just moved in and don't have a car, to the commissary. It was great to have someone else to think about other than my poor self. I am so thankful for my ability to serve and help others, just as I have been lifted and helped at difficult times in my life.
I am so thankful for the experiences and lessons I have learned from dear friends, however short our time has been together. They have been memories that I wouldn't trade for the world, and I am so much better for knowing these people.
And the bonus part is, it's a small world. Especially in the army. When we finally get orders to move to our next duty station, I now know at least one person at almost all of the places that are options. (And Hawaii is an option! How cool would that be?)
So I will cherish the times I have with friends, and try to be more patient when things are unknown and look for the positive things I can learn from whatever situation I may be in.

And I will say "see you later" instead of goodbye, because I know that's how it will be.

Monday, May 14, 2012

135 A Typical Day

Today was a typical day in the life. The LT was off to Atlanta with his Battalion Commander for a golf tournament (poor guy), The DQ was back to school (hooray! She had a great day!) and Bean was in a decent mood deespite the fact that today was art and she finds it rather boring (she'd rather create on her own instead of being told what to draw).
Life is good!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

134 Motherly Love

I LOVE my girls and I LOVE being a mom.
I am so thankful for them every day, and I am so thankful that we are an eternal family.
Today was a lovey reminder of how blessed I am.
The meetings that the LT and I usually attend before church were cancelled so that those who attend could have a nice morning (read: the men who attend can stay home and help their wives get the kids ready).
The LT made pancakes (He is really aweseome, and I am really thankful that he is the one I get to be a parent with), I opened some touching cards from the family, and we rode in one car together to church (that's a pretty big deal right now).
Church was wonderful and inspired and uplifting. The children sang the usual "Mother I Love You" and there were lots of chocolates given to the women with the instruction to men and children alike: "These are for the mothers!"
Then we had a perfect Sunday of lounging, snuggling, Wii, golf watching (for the LT of course), and talking to family. The only thing that would have made it better would have been sunshine (it's rained for 2 days straight) and being with my mom and mothers-in-law!
I am so thankful to have them in my life as well. They are amazing examples of unconditional love and support and are simply magnificent women.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

133 Girls!

Our home was filled with girls today, six at one point (including me, lucky LT!)
It was princess-tastic!
(don't worry Jess, she was nowhere near the edge, and I had my hand on her!)

Friday, May 11, 2012


How could I not include this??
The Doc gave us printed copies of the before and after x-rays.
What a difference!!
(The DQ was wearing shorts with a zipper in the after photos. So crazy how x-rays work!)

132 Happy As ...Clams...?

Oh life with the LT. It is always interesting.
The DQ had a follow up appointment with her doctor today in Atlanta. After getting a great report from the doctor, in which he said he was very pleased with how things look now, we spent the rest of the afternoon stopped on driving through the streets of Atlanta and running errands. We stopped at a Mexican place, La Fonda, for dinner. The LT got a seafood paella (I suppose that's Spanish, not Mexican) and entertained the girls with a mussel puppet.
(I was more grossed out than entertained, but the girls loved it.)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

131 Busy

Today was super busy. It involved a lot of baking. I attempted a pineapple upside down cake for an "Aloha" event tonight, and it involved revisiting the delicious pumpkin chocolate chip cookies that I was so obsessed with this past fall.
Why the cookies you ask? Well for reasons still not fully understood by me, the LT needs them for some sort of baking contest that is company is involved in. Apparently there is a family fun day event tomorrow night at the Airborne school. (We won't be able to attent because we have a Dr. appt for the DQ in Atlanta tomorrow) Every unit (brigade? company? office??) needs an entry, so I was volunteered. After making one batch, I asked the LT, do I need to make more?
"Uuhhh, yeah, if you can?"
"Did she (company commander) tell you to bring a lot?"
"Uuhhh, yeah..."
So it was back to the Kitchenaid for me!
(Oh, and the whole point of this picture is because I don't have this recipe printed and so I'm always running back and forth to the computer. I had bought this stand for the DQ's kindle so she could watch movies in the hospital, so I broke it out and pulled up the recipe on the tablet and voilà! Life was so much easier!)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

130 Lame-o

Some days, it's really hard to find a picture for this blog. Other days, it's tough to choose just one! Today, dinner plans feel through, so we ordered a pizza. Exciting!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

129 Missing Something?

I encountered this at the commissary today.
It was pretty much the saddest, lonliest thing I've seen in a while.
If your glassess are this worn in, wouldn't you know if they were missing?

Monday, May 7, 2012

128 Our Little Scholar

SO PROUD of this girl today!! She was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society! She was super excited to go since she's missed school so much. There were lots of friends there waiting to give her hugs. She has worked so hard and we are so happy and proud to see her hard work pay off.
We love this girl so much!!
(also, I love my LT. Doesn't he look so handsome!?)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

127 Lazy Sunday

We spent a lot of the day after church here, doing this:
It was quite glorious.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

126 The Greatest Thing I've Ever Cooked

Deep fried, home made flour tortillas.
Made even better by good company and banana pudding.
It will be a long time before tonight's dinner is topped.

Friday, May 4, 2012

125 Field Day

Today was field day at Bean's school. I got to hang out and watch her race with buckets full of water, toss water balloons, and bounce through the obstacle course.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

124 Movie Time

There has been a serious obsession with Phineas and Ferb brewing in our house for the past few weeks. Tonight, one of the DQ's friends was over and the girls watched the P&F movie.
Good times!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

122 Future Astronomer

I had about 3000 points left in my Scholastic book order account from teaching, so I figured I'd better use them up before I forgot about them.
Today I got a huge box of books (delivered to Bean's school of course) in the mail.
Bean was so excited because she has been taling about space a lot, and I had ordered her a set of space-themed sight word readers.
She was SO excited to read them when she got home. She's already been telling me all about what she's read!
(Let's hope NASA still exists by the time she's old enough!)