
hooah (hoo ah) adj., adv., n., v., conj., interj., excla. (Orig. unknown) Slang. H-U-A (heard understood acknowledged)

1. Referring to or meaning anything and everything except "no". 2. What to say when at a loss for words. 3.a. Good copy. b. Roger. c. Solid copy. d. Good. e. Great. f. Message received. g. Understood. h. Acknowledged. 4.a. Glad to meet you. b. Welcome. 5. "All right!" 6.a. I don't know the answer, but I'll check on it. b. I haven't the foggiest idea. 7. I am not listening. 8. "That is enough of your drivel; sit down!" 9. Yes. 10. "You've got to be kidding me!" 11. Thank you. 12. Go to the next slide. 13. You've taken the correct action. 14. I don't know what that means, but I'm too embarassed to ask for clarification. 15. Squared away (He's pretty hooah.) 16. Amen!

Monday, April 30, 2012

121 Sweetness

I got to hang out with this sweet peach today.
Isn't she delicious!??
LOVE her!!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

120 Cheese!

Today Bean looked so cute in her church dress with her hair all curled that I couldn't help but grab the camera and take some shots before she got changed and all dirty.
 I LOVE that smile so much!!!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

119 Money to Burn

Bean recently received some money from loving grandparents. She kept wanting to go shopping, but she didn't know what to buy.
The neighbor girl has a huge tub of Littlest Pet Shop toys that Bean has fallen in love with so that is what she decided she needed to buy. She counted her money and proudly announced that she had "seven papers." In grown up counting, she had $25, two $10s and five $1s. Of course no matter how many times we pointed out the big 10 on the "papers", she still insisted she only had 7 papers.
I think she panicked a bit when her total for a crab, and a mama and baby penguin set came to $9.66, because it was more than seven papers. I quickly pointed to the 10 and told her to hand that to the lady. She refused to take the change, I think because she was confused at how she had enough to pay for it.
Nonetheless, she happily picked up her bag and receipt and smiled the whole way home.

Friday, April 27, 2012

118 At Least it's Not a Rat

I was standing at the kitchen sink looking out the window when I saw the neighbors following a little critter through the street. At first I thought it was a baby squirrel, but it was moving too slowly. Then I noticed the long tail and panicked. A rat!? It was huge! And the neighbors were hearding towards our house!
So I rushed outside where they had cornered the thing under their truck.
"Is that a rat?" I asked in fear.
"No, it's a baby armadillo!"
It was pretty cute watching it sniffing around. I watched it for a little bit before I returned to a barbeque at the other neighbor's.
Then I loaded the picture here to blog about it (sorry, blurry phone picture, no time to get the big camera) and got a closer look. With that scaley tail and weird claws, I've decided that they're not so cute.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

117 Vitamin D

We have been going a little stir crazy here.
I have been waiting by the phone for the doc to call so I can get a prescription because I now have a mental block, telling myself that I can't do anything until I get on meds.
To channel my anxiety over my anxiety disorder, and to give in to the OCD tendencies that people with AD/HD tend to use a coping mechanism (I feel so much better understanding that now!) I decided to detail my car and finally get the bugs off that have been hanging on since they joined us on our cross country trip in August (did I mention I'm a huge procrastinator?)
The DQ came outside to get some fresh air and some good old vitamin D. It's amazing what that can do for (2) anxious minds.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

116 Holy. Cow.

This came in the mail today:
I. was. dumbfounded.
And grateful.
This is the bill that went to our insurance for the DQ's surgery.
We owe $0.00.

We have been frustrated lately because we have no idea what are next steps are in the army, or even if the LT will be able to stay in the army because of his injury.
I have complained a little.
But after getting this today, I was reminded that there is a plan, and the Lord is looking out for us, even if we may not understand it.
If our journey in the army is short-lived, we have learned valuable lessons about ourselves that we could not have learned any other way.
And the DQ got a free back surgery out of it.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

115 Grillin'

Tonight, we fired up the grill and invited some dear friends over. It had been a long time since we'd seen them so it was delightful to catch up and eat a delicious meal!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

114 Sparkle

I bought some new nail polish today and boy, does it make me happy.
(Now if only the warm weather would return, I'd be happier. 60's today?! Really?!)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

113 Some LT Love

So glad I'm married to this guy.
It has been a great weekend, and he has been awesome.
Today he stayed home with the DQ so I could go to church and fulfill my calling. He had lunch ready when Bean and I got home, and he had steak marinating for dinner.
He brought me a diet coke and my lunch as I sat at the table with my migraine-afflicted head in hands.
He later cooked dinner, and cleaned up the kitchen.
I have been feeling a little wounded as my diagnosis has set in.
It's really not a big deal, and I knew I had it before being confirmed by a doctor, but the anxiety disorder has thrown me for a loop. I guess I just thought I was particular, but I guess most people aren't as edgy as I am. I've been walking around thinking, "Oh, I don't want to do that because it will make me anxious" and lame excuses like that. Generally treating myself like a broken baby.
The LT has had enormous patience with me and now some of his frustrations with me have been brought to light, and he also sees that the things that he's been frustrated with (like me changing the subject while he's mid-sentance) are things that I don't mean to do.
He pointed out the other day that we make a great team, and really balance each other out. I am thankful that he sees things that way too and that he loves me despite all of my faults (and crazies).

Saturday, April 21, 2012

112 Simple Pleasures

(I'm kinda obsessed with instagram right now, so pardon the faux-artsy photo)

This morning a box came for the DQ. It was a care package from her dear aunty full if her favorite  things; skittles, milky ways, socks, and Legos. She even included a little Lego treat for Bean, who proudly assembled it all by herself. She has played with “rover” (the car) and her “space ranger” all day today.
Lucky duckies!

Friday, April 20, 2012

111 Relief

Today I met with a psychologist.
The LT had been suspecting for sometime that I may have ADD.
I read some about Adult ADD online, and started crying when I realized that the symptoms are things that I have struggled with, or found frustrating about myself.
I finally made an appointment (I kept forgetting to do apt) and today had a great discussion with an expert on the subject.
She said it is clear from talking to me that I have AD/HD (I'm not sold on the H part yet) and Anxiety as well.
It really feels like a weight has been lifted in that the things that frustrate me are beyond my control. I have found ways to cope with some aspects, yet it is exhausting to constantly do so.
I am going to try to treat it with medication to see if that helps as well.
I have always felt like I am capable of doing so much more, but just can't accomplish the things I want to. I am praying that now I can move forward and work towards my full potential. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

110 Freshening Up

Since the DQ has been unable to shower, her hair was in a serious need of a wash. I had purchased some no-rinse shampoo in anticipation, but it really didn't do much to make her hair feel cleaner. I had the brilliant idea to take her to a salon to have it washed today.
The lady who did it was super nice and gentle, and it only cost 5 bucks!
It is amazing what clean hair can do for a girl's morale.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

109 Bookworm

Tonight I caught Bean reading instead of getting ready for bed. Once we got teeth brushed and jammies on, she insisted on more book time.
Quote: "I was reading in my head like {big sister} does so I don't have to hear that 'blah blah blah'"

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

108 Visitors

The DQ had FOUR visitors come by today. Clearly she is missed at school as a parade of girls showed up soon after dismissal. The first one brought her principal's list certificate that was passed out last week, the second brought pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, and the third brought a fourth! She was so happy to see them all. She smiled and laughed and chatted and was just so happy to see friends. I'm so happy that they all live so close because they plan on coming over a lot. That will surely make this recovery process move more quickly!

Monday, April 16, 2012

107 Sweet Friends

This arrived today for the DQ. It was from some dear friends whom we met through the Army. This certainly brightened the DQ up!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

106 Entomologist

The calapitar craze sparked something in little miss Bean and the neighbor girl. The caterpillars are gone (hanging out probably) and so they've moved onto other things. They have a huge flat box they they have filled with leaves and grass and crickets and roly poly bugs.
Today she came in from the backyard after digging in the dirt for bugs. She was smudged in dirt from head to toe. Definitely not what I thought she'd ever want to be doing!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

105 Strong

We made it home today! We didn't leave the hospital until about 12:30, but we were super excited to head out. The DQ did awesome on the ride home.
When we got home, she happily set up camp on the couch and just enjoyed being around people and not in a crowded room. She also got treated to some loot that had been waiting for her. Her teacher from last year had sent her some fun bacon and mustache related things that brought a smile to her face.
I also ordered 2 bracelets for her from Etsy, and one had arrived. I think she really likes it.
It says "You are stronger than you know."
She certainly is.

Friday, April 13, 2012

104 Still Here

We had hoped that we could go home today, but that is probably not happening. The DQ has been really nauseated, and the LT is worried about the 2 hour car ride home. One more night won't hurt her of course. She and I both have cabin fever, and I think she will feel much better to be home. Tomorrow should be the day then!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

103 Out and About

Today has been much more active than yesterday. The nurses had the DQ up and walking, and also want her to sit in the wheelchair for 2 hours a day. She was antsy and wanting to get up and out, but the moving to the chair is tough. In the afternoon, she asked to go outside. We took her to the beautiful garden they have outside for some fresh air. She was tired and ready to go back in after only about 5 minutes, but I made her wait 5 more minutes.
Tonight they'll have her walk a little more, and then tomorrow, stairs!
She has been so tough throughout this whole process. 
Before another round of pain meds came, she was cranky and kind of yelling at me. Later, she apologized, but she totally has a pass.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

102 Post-Op

Today we spent the morning in the waiting room of the Children's Hospital of Atlanta. Around 11:30, the wonderful doc came out to tell us that everything had gone as planned (for the most part) and that the DQ was headed to recovery. We are now in her room with her, and she has slept the day away (thankfully). She occasionally wakes with pain, so she pushes her morphine button and then drifts back to sleep. She has received great care here and although the surgery was a big hurdle, I think the hardest part is ahead of us.
We have definitely felt the thoughts and prayers offered on our behalf. We are so blessed!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

101 Atlanta Bound

Tomorrow is spinal fusion day. The DQ has to be at the hospital at 6am, so we are staying the night in Atlanta. On the way up, the DQ requested lunch at Zoe's Kitchen, and of course, how could we say no?

Monday, April 9, 2012

100 Moving Mountains

T minus 2 days and counting until we get this all straightened out.

(this is the DQ's back, her head is ducked down, the right side of her rib cage is twisted up)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

Thursday, April 5, 2012

96 Peace

We were in Atlanta again today, for the DQ's pre-op appointment at the hospital. Her spinal fusion is next Wednesday and today made it all that more real.
They drew blood, and talked to her about what to expect.
Afterward, we had lunch and tried to decided what to do. I decided I'd like to drive by the Atlanta Temple. The LT wasn't thrilled because he thought we were dressed too casually, but I really wanted to check it out. I was feeling really emotional about the surgery and so I stuck my ground on it.
I was overwhelmed by such a feeling of peace the moment we pulled into the parking lot.
Instantly, the scripture from John 14:27 came into my mind:

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

I knew I had made the right choice in coming to the temple, even if I couldn't go inside today.
I am so thankful for the love of my Heavely Father, and how much He wants us to be happy and feel His love.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

95 First Photo Shoot

Today I did my first "official" photo shoot under my new "business venture".
I had so much fun taking pictures of little miss Bridget.
I think they turned out pretty good. It was seriously so hard to choose one for today!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

94 Mile-stone

I've had my car for just over a year, and today I rolled it to 15k miles.
Not too bad for driving to Denver and back from Phx, and then driving it across the country.
Now I drive about 5 miles a day. I can't wait to see what the mileage will be a year from now!

Monday, April 2, 2012

93 Propaganda

I may have mentioned that the LT is lobbying for a motorcycle.
This morning when I got up and woke up the computer, I found that he had changed our background.
Now he is using cuteness.
Will he stop at nothing!?

Sunday, April 1, 2012

92 Jesus Loves Me, This I Know

I LOVE General Conference weekend.
We sat around all day and were spirtually fed.
Bean doesn't have the patience to listen for long, but she will sit and color or draw.
Today she worked really hard on this picture and then hung it on the fridge:
I know that Jesus loves Miss Bean too.