
hooah (hoo ah) adj., adv., n., v., conj., interj., excla. (Orig. unknown) Slang. H-U-A (heard understood acknowledged)

1. Referring to or meaning anything and everything except "no". 2. What to say when at a loss for words. 3.a. Good copy. b. Roger. c. Solid copy. d. Good. e. Great. f. Message received. g. Understood. h. Acknowledged. 4.a. Glad to meet you. b. Welcome. 5. "All right!" 6.a. I don't know the answer, but I'll check on it. b. I haven't the foggiest idea. 7. I am not listening. 8. "That is enough of your drivel; sit down!" 9. Yes. 10. "You've got to be kidding me!" 11. Thank you. 12. Go to the next slide. 13. You've taken the correct action. 14. I don't know what that means, but I'm too embarassed to ask for clarification. 15. Squared away (He's pretty hooah.) 16. Amen!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

134 Motherly Love

I LOVE my girls and I LOVE being a mom.
I am so thankful for them every day, and I am so thankful that we are an eternal family.
Today was a lovey reminder of how blessed I am.
The meetings that the LT and I usually attend before church were cancelled so that those who attend could have a nice morning (read: the men who attend can stay home and help their wives get the kids ready).
The LT made pancakes (He is really aweseome, and I am really thankful that he is the one I get to be a parent with), I opened some touching cards from the family, and we rode in one car together to church (that's a pretty big deal right now).
Church was wonderful and inspired and uplifting. The children sang the usual "Mother I Love You" and there were lots of chocolates given to the women with the instruction to men and children alike: "These are for the mothers!"
Then we had a perfect Sunday of lounging, snuggling, Wii, golf watching (for the LT of course), and talking to family. The only thing that would have made it better would have been sunshine (it's rained for 2 days straight) and being with my mom and mothers-in-law!
I am so thankful to have them in my life as well. They are amazing examples of unconditional love and support and are simply magnificent women.

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